Just as soon as you get your brand-new Android smartphone, there are a few apps you are probably going to download immediately, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, maybe Kindle, along with your favorite games. But with more than a million apps in the Google Play store, it’s pretty much assured that there are going to be a lot of options that you never even thought of, either because you’re not sure what they do or you simply don’t even know they exist. Here’s a list of some top picks that you probably don’t about that you might want to try: Wikitude Wikitude is a free browser that will open up your eyes to the world around you using your device s camera. This augmented reality browser is neat because it lets you explore and interact with your surroundings. You can search for places around you, like restaurants or accommodations, or look up nearby events, tweets, Yelp recommendations or even a relevant Wikipedia article or two. Vendors in the area also serve up mobile coupons through