These are paid iPhone and iPad apps that have been made available for free for a limited time by their developers. There is no way to tell how long they will be free. These sales could end an hour from now or a week from now — obviously, the only thing we can guarantee is that they are free at the time this post is published. If you click on a link and see a price listed next to an app instead of the word “free,” it is no longer free. The sale has ended. If you download the app, you will be charged. Eddy Now that you have 1TB of storage on Dropbox, you might as well make use of it. This nifty cloud music player also works with other popular services like Google Drive and Box. Meet Eddy – tiny, but smart and powerful cloud music player. He can stream music directly from your cloud storage like Dropbox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive and Box. Also Eddy will help you to download your beloved songs and audio books for offline playback as well as play them.Eddy has professional file manager