We’ve been expecting some details to emerge about the iWatch for some time now, hoping that we would be pleasantly surprised with an early Autumn release. Unfortunately, we didn’t quite get the rumors we were hoping for, instead, we found out that the iWatch unveiling will surely be delayed. Sources say that a 2015 release is much more likely now.The delay has to do with Apple’s suppliers and manufacturers, rumors stating that suppliers will only begin shipping components to Apple sometime in September. This means that the actual assembly of the iWatch cannot start until September, imminently putting of the launch date of the gadget as well. Besides the fact that manufacture and assembly has been delayed, testing and manufacturing issues that might intervene during manufacture will contribute to the time spent tweaking the gadget for the end consumers.Apple was initially planning to manufacture 10 million iWatch units by the end of the year, but fact of the matter is that manufa