Shopping online has become a modern trend as it eliminates the need for waiting in long queue for purchasing a product online. Some worry that their credit card details may be given to a wrong person. Some believe that shopping online is better and safer than shopping in person or over the telephone. With the e-stores offering Free home delivery, Product replacement, etc., Online shopping has become a most preferred way of shopping nowadays. Here are some tips for a better shopping experience online. Be Secure: Millions of dollars are spend everyday in online shopping over the world. There are people who are trying to steal some from it, Be sure you are not a victim to them. When visiting a site to purchase anything online, ensure that the site is secure. Nowadays Phishing attacks are getting popular as shopping online is getting popular. So to ensure that the page you are visiting is secure, look for a tiny padlock icon over the beginning of the url in your browser s address bar. Als